Friday, September 17, 2004

Sea Trip

First fo all, and observation. Summer is fading, and winter is arriving. I say this because there is a slight chill in the wind nowadays. Even at noon time. All this makes it rather confusing, actually. The sun burns you, but then the wind is at hand to soothe you. Its nice in a crazy kind of way.
Today I went to the seaside at Messaid. And like I said, the summer is passing, but the water was still good. I reached there at around 5:30 in the morning, and left at around 8:30 in between, I sawm for around two hours.
Well, not swam actually, I just stood in the water for two hours is a more apt description of what I did there. As I stepped into the water, I realised that I had forgotten how to swim!! I could float, paddle with my arms and feet, but I was still at the same point where I satared. I know that because I was noticing my position with respect to my car which was parked on the shore. No matter how hard I paddled, I always was at the same angle to my car. I tried backstroke, breast stroke, free style, but to no avail. In the endd, I finally gave up and started doing what I call, the head-above-the-water ballet, which is clasely realted to the underwater ballet, which I could not do cos I am a hopeless swimmer.
The head-above-the-water ballet is basically stretching and striking positions in water. Its really good, cos you can strike the weirdest positions, and people will not know, cos your body is submerged. I realised that I can tough my knees to my chest while standing on one foot! I cannot do it on land without my head later touching the floor with a loud thud. so whadda know, I am a latent ballet dancer!
Andd speaking of ballet, do you know, that there is no word for a male ballet dancer??? A ballerina is a female ballet dancer, but a male is only a male ballet dancer!! This is injustice!!!!!
Tonight I am going to watch Spiderman 2. Yeaaaaaah!!!! Finally!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

b mamu,
i did check it and my acoount is i did't find it on bubujiji.
could u write it on sweet demon itself pleaseeeee!!!???.
lots of love
keep posting