Sunday, August 01, 2004

Am I Being Shadowed?

Am I being shadowed? No, I certainly am not, but I was just entertaining the idea of what would it look like if I was shadowed. The report submitted on me wouldread like, "He just gets in the car and roams around randomly, listening to loud music. Usually drives as 80, but on an empty road, can reach a speed of 100. I fail to see why he should be followed at all. The only utility that I can think for him is that he could single-handedly affect the world gas prices, given the amount of driving that he does. Maybe we could suggest to his employer to raise his salary by ten times." I like the last sentence.
Moving on, last night, the Srivastavs went to an ice ballet show, and were totally floored by it. The moment I returned fro moffice, aunty started suggesting that I go to watch it. And in the morning, I could hear her yak about the ballet on the phone all the time. So, as I went the ballet, I learnt that yesterday was the last day of hte ballet, and I had missed it. So had the other Indian families that had come there. I suspect, they were all sent the aunty, who has already informed half of the Indian community here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are definitely not being shadowed.
too baad that's scary i guess