Saturday, July 03, 2004

Pure Treat Under The Moonlight

What is the most important recent innovation? Apart from the internet, it has to be the car radio, even though it is not so recent. The reason I am saying that is cos yesterday, as I returned from the office, I stayed back in my car, listening to some music-in-stereo. First off, there was ‘kiska rasta dekhe, ai dil ai saudai’ from the movie ‘Joshilaa’. I never paid attention to the lyrics before, but yesterday, sitting in the car, I heard the lyrics out. These are magnificent lyrics, so dark, so brooding. And add to that, the dark, lonely road that lay before me and the full moon night. This song was followed by the Hemant Kumar gem ‘Bekaraar karke humen’ and then followed by another classic ‘khoya khoya chand’. So, in a matter of 15 minutes, I was treated to the brooding to the joyful to pure romance. Add to that, the sheer odds of those playing one after another in a playlist, and the treat just becomes sweeter. And all this under the full moonlight. Pure treat.

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