Friday, July 23, 2004

The Great Equalizer

I haven't worked much in the past few day. The work coming to me has been quite sporadic. While I may thank heaven for that, I have also developed a theory for this phenomenon.
See, I truly believe in equality. And by that, I don't mean the Right to Equality as prescribed by the law. I mean that nature has a way of balancing out things, so that none gets nore than he/she asked for, nor less. The end sum of happniess and sorrow, love and hate, work and rest for each us balances out in the end. Nature/Life/Destiny, whatever you may choose to call it, is a great equalizer.
so, going by that theory, I was working 16 hrs a day for nearly one and a half months, so thats the reason I have it easy now. But this will change soon, when things near the state of equality. As an example, for the last few days, I had absolutely zero work, but only today, I am working overtime, doing three stories. So more or less, things are balancing out for me.
On to the Indian political scene, Indians are held hostage in Iraq, and the politicians are worried where Shibu Soren is? I suggest a hostage swap with the kidnappers. We exchange the three hostages with our minister. Then we ask them to go ahead and execute him. The way I see it, its a win-win situation.
'We can do it in 24 hours' says the military personnel. Sir, we have absolutely no doubt in your capabilities. But we its the politicians we are angry at.

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