Thursday, January 05, 2006

HAPPY 2006

Wow!! Its 2006!! That's one year gone, and no significant blogging done there. Looks like I am seriously losing my touch (or have I lost it already?).
But anyways, whats past is past. Lets begin anew. 2006 sees me in a new city, Bangalore, making a new life for myself. So far so good. All that I had heard about it being the most westernised city in India wer quite true. Am amazed to find stuff like olives and snicker bars even in common supermarkets. these wern't avaiable even in Delhi.
And the weather. Yeah the weather. After the biting cold of Delhi, the mild coolness is a nice welcome. Really looking forward to a nice stay here. But then who knows which way the wind blows...
Ah, chuck it, will enjoy it while I'm here. In the mean time,
HAPPY 2006 TO ALL!!!

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